East Coast Rescue Solutions believes "SAVING OUR OWN" is every firefighter's responsibility, which is why the importance of establishing a properly trained and equipped Rapid Intervention Team cannot be over emphasized. A MAYDAY situation that involves a missing, lost, trapped or injured firefighter requiring extrication will be a high stress scenario filled with confusion, uncertainty and high emotion. This class will offer detailed operational guidelines for any department or firefighter operating as a RIT. The class will be divided into groups that will follow the guidelines to rescue downed firefighters in a multitude of scenarios under the close and highly skilled supervision of our instructors. An aggressive interior attack is an essential strategy for many Fire Departments throughout the U.S. Though largely successful for life saving and salvaging property, working in this environment can expose firefighters to a rapidly deteriorating environment. In worst case scenarios, firefighters are cut off from conventional means of egress, and their only option for survival is a window. In this situation, training is all one has to fall back on. That’s why at ECRS we offer expert training and the finest products from Petzl America, Sterling Rope and Gemtor Inc.

Scenarios and Drills

  • Scenario Based Drills
  • Drags & Carries
  • Denver Drill
  • Firefighter Packaging
  • Ladder as a High Point Drill
  • Nance Drill
  • Pittsburgh Drill